Blogging is a relevant tool. But you’d have difficulty increasing brand awareness if your content is limited to your website. So how do you scale your content reach? – Through guest posting!

We have made a video covering the relevance and benefits of guest posting in 2022. Our YouTube video features everything you need to know before launching your blogger outreach campaign.


Here’s what you’ll find in our video:

What is Guest Posting?

Guest posting or guest blogging is the process of writing a blog or an article for another website with the hope of securing a backlink to your own website or service pages, along with other benefits.

Benefits of Guest Posting

Each guest post you create puts your business closer to your marketing goal. But that’s not all; guest posting has additional benefits that directly influence your brand.

These benefits include:

  • Increasing your brand awareness
  • Getting potential customers to your own product pages
  • Getting recognized as a thought leader in your niche

7 Sure-fire Guest Posting Tips to Supercharge Your Pitch

Some of the tips we have shared in our video are general, while others are great on their own. We’d advise you to take the below-mentioned tips as a whole and base your guest posting roadmap around them.

1. Strategize Your Guest Posting Goals

You must know what you want from your guest posting goals to target relevant websites. For instance, if you are looking for brand awareness, you’ll obviously want websites that get a lot of visitors.

2. Find Great and Relevant Websites to Pitch

Usually, your guest posting list will be full of irrelevant websites that will not benefit you in any way. Our video covers how you can find awesome (and relevant!) websites by using custom Google search operators.

3. Vetting the Websites According to Your Metrics

Run your list of websites on Ahrefs free domain authority checker to determine if they are worth the effort. There’s no point in writing personalized emails and deleting them because the sites you are reaching out to aren’t as authoritative as you want.

4. Connecting With the Right Person

The best way to get your pitch approved is by getting in touch with the right person. You can do this by

  • Using a simple Linkedin search to acquire alternate contact information.
  • Using nifty lookup tools to find out personal email addresses.

5. Make “Friends” Before You Pitch

Small blogs are pretty suspicious of people looking for links. They’ll respond with a big fat NO if you pitch them upright. That’s why we shared our “make friends formula” to make a connection. Here’s how it goes:

  • Connect with guest bloggers on Twitter
  • Subscribe to their newsletter
  • Familiarize yourself with guest blogging site’s content
  • Quote their article and tag them


6. Take Time & Research While Crafting the Perfect Pitch

A perfect pitch depends on your topic research. Familiarize yourself with the publishing website content and find out topics they care about. Next, find an angle that hasn’t been used and pitch that in your blogger outreach email.

7. Use Your Author Bio as a Lead Magnet

Yeah, you read that right. So instead of writing a boring bio, mention your achievements and the websites you have written for. This will get your readers more interested in having your content published on their site.

If you’d like to learn about guest blogging in even greater depth you can check out our guest blogging master plan.

Scalable Guest Blogging Services With Real Traffic and Authority

At Search Berg, we only offer manual guest blogging. Anything else is unacceptable. With more than 10 years of experience, our high-quality guest blogging services will give you a head start with premium links.

For more information, you can contact us on 855 444 4777.