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How to Rank Higher on Google Maps in 2024: 3 Proven Strategies

Get Discovered, Not Just Found on Google Maps Through Optimization

What’s the first thing you do when you’re out and need something urgently? You either type up keywords like ‘shoe store near me’ directly on Google or head to your Google Maps app and type the same to find out about the most convenient option in your vicinity. This goes to show that Google Maps and Google Search are a vital part of our daily lives and Google Maps optimization is non-negotiable.

As a business owner, you must recognize that in a time where 6.84 billion people use smartphones (as of 2024) to find what they need nearby, having a strong presence and rank on Google Maps is no longer optional; it should be a high priority for local businesses.

Potential customers searching for products or services like yours are actively using Google Maps to find businesses in their vicinity, and while distance is a factor in their results, Google Maps SEO is another.

Simply having a listing on Google Maps isn’t enough. To truly thrive in the local market, you need to optimize your Google Business profile for higher ranking and visibility since it offers you multiple competitive advantages:

  • Increased Visibility: A higher ranking ultimately leads to more people seeing your business listing, putting you in front of a wider audience of potential customers actively seeking what you offer.
  • Boosted Foot Traffic: The closer you are to the top of the search results, the more likely potential customers are to visit your physical location, considering it comes as one of the closest and best recommendations.
  • Enhanced Conversions: A well-optimized Google Maps profile not only attracts users but also converts them into paying customers by showcasing positive reviews, enticing photos, and clear information.

However, there’s no denying that Google Maps’ algorithm is complex, and Google Maps optimization is not as straightforward as standard practices; there are proven strategies you can implement to improve your position.

This comprehensive guide will equip you with the knowledge and actionable steps to achieve effective and impactful Google Maps optimization and lead you to understand the value of Google Maps optimization services such as ours.

Let’s get into the basics of optimizing your maps listing and how you can rank higher in 2024:

1. Recapping Google My Business Optimization

Your Google My Business (GMB) profile is the single most important factor influencing your SEO on Google Maps and, ultimately, your rank on Google Maps searches, seeing as how 92.96% of traffic comes through Google Search, Google Images, and Google Maps. Think of it as a digital storefront on Google that helps you make a memorable impression on prospective customers. Here’s what you need to do when you’re kicking off Google Maps optimization:

Claim and Verify Your Google My Business Profile:

Imagine a hidden gem – a fantastic restaurant with delicious food but no signage on the street. That’s what your business is like without a claimed and verified GMB profile. Claiming your profile allows you to take control of how your business appears on Google Maps and search results, significantly impacting your Google Maps rank.

You must register or reclaim your Google Maps listing or set up your account to start off with since it is a core component of your ranking and requires more attention.

A graphic of Google Maps being actively used by an individual.

Optimize Your GMB Profile Information:

Now that you have a verified GMB profile, it’s time to polish things up. Every piece of information you provide contributes to Google Maps optimization. Here’s what to focus on:

  • Name: This seems like the most obvious thing from the get-go, but use the exact same name your business operates under, including any relevant abbreviations or suffixes, punctuation, stylization, and other specifics that make your business recognizable.
  • Category: Selecting the most relevant categories for your business is crucial. Google allows you to choose primary and secondary categories. Research and pick the ones that best describe your main offerings because this is how your business is discovered on Google Maps, and optimization is directly impacted by this.
  • Description: Your business description is another integral aspect of Google Maps marketing, and you need to include an informative description that includes relevant keywords users might search for. Our team of marketers can help you craft and highlight your unique selling points, services, and what makes you stand out while also optimizing for Google Maps using keywords.
  • Attributes: This is an underrated feature that Google offers, allowing you to display various features and amenities your business offers (e.g., “free Wi-Fi,” “wheelchair accessible,” “24/7 service,” and other perks). The more relevant attributes you list, the greater your appeal to users and the algorithm which sees you as user-friendly.
  • High-Quality Photos & Virtual Tour: Aesthetically appealing visuals are a game-changer for Google Maps optimization. You should invest in high-quality photos depicting your storefront, staff, products, or services that grab user attention and increase engagement. This is especially worthwhile for restaurants, hotels, or museums, who might even consider creating a virtual tour to offer potential customers an immersive experience and further boost your Google Maps rank.

Manage Your GMB Profile Regularly:

Maintaining an active and updated GMB profile is deeply necessary for improving your rank on Google Maps. Here are some key practices:

  • Keep Your Information Updated: Ensure your address, phone number, and business hours are accurate and consistent across all online platforms. Discrepancies can negatively impact your Google Maps rank. Update your hours for holidays or special occasions to avoid frustrating potential customers, and refer to the points discussed above.
  • Respond to Reviews Promptly and Professionally: Reviews are a significant factor in Google Maps rank and user trust, with 69% of consumers feeling positive about using a business that has positive, written reviews. Respond to all reviews, both positive and negative, in a timely and courteous manner. Thank satisfied and happy customers for their feedback. Similarly, address negative reviews by acknowledging their concerns and offering solutions gracefully. Engaging with reviews indicates customer care and attention.
  • Manage Your Q&A Section Effectively: The Q&A section allows users to ask questions about your business. Actively monitor and answer these questions accurately and informatively. This demonstrates responsiveness and can improve your Google Maps rank by providing valuable information to potential customers, especially since the chat feature is soon going to be deleted by Google.

While important, these steps are only the first of many measures you need to take if you want to learn how to rank high on Google Maps.

Search Berg will help your business soar through Google Maps!

Work with seasoned Google Maps SEO experts who will customize your strategy and help you rank higher and be more visible on Google Maps.

google maps ranking

2. Leverage the Power of Google Posts for Google Maps SEO

When it comes to the continually changing requirements of Google Maps optimization, static, outdated, information just won’t cut it anymore. Here’s where Google Posts come in as a game-changer for businesses striving to rank higher on Google Maps. The feature enables you to share exciting updates that allow you to revitalize your Google My Business (GMB) profile, fostering user engagement and potentially propelling you up the local search ladder. Here’s an example of a GMB post we created for a client:

An example of a GMB Post for a Search Berg client named Toro Construction.

It helps to take a multi-faceted approach when it comes to improving your local Google Maps listing, including:

  • Hyper-localize Your Content: Leave generic sales announcements and discounts in the past. Work on creating posts that resonate with your local audience. Highlight special offers relevant to your community, connecting them to social events, occasions, local celebrations, and more. You can also partner with other local businesses for cross-promotional events and announce them through Google Posts to improve your listing on Google. This strategy showcases your connection to the local scene, establishing you as a community stakeholder while catering to specific user needs. Remember, people search for local solutions – Google Posts allow you to provide them in a way that positively impacts your Google Maps SEO and gets you the positive traction you need. It’s tempting to cast your net far and wide, but you’re not going to attract saltwater fish in a freshwater body.
  • Embrace Visual Storytelling: We’re all visual creatures and derive pleasure and engagement from these cues. People are more likely to stop and engage with a post that features an eye-catching photo or a short video. Show off a new product launch with stunning visuals, offer a behind-the-scenes glimpse of your creative team, or feature a customer testimonial in a short video. Adding varied visual elements to your GMB profile transforms it from static information to a dynamic hub, potentially boosting your Google Maps ranking and user engagement. Never underestimate the value of visuals and aesthetics for Google Maps optimization since it will significantly impact viewers positively.

Google Posts are a powerful tool waiting to be harnessed for local SEO success. You need to focus on embracing core elements for success to reach the top spot on Google Maps searches. It’s bound to benefit your brand in more ways than one.

3. Local Influencers: Your Secret Weapon for Google Maps Optimization and Visibility

You’d be surprised at just how many people (50% of millennials, for starters) trust influencer recommendations. That’s why influencer marketing has become an essential strategy for many businesses. But you really don’t need to shell out thousands of dollars paying big-name celebrities or influencers for successful Google Maps optimization – the key to successful local Google Maps marketing is working with those in and around your area.

A graphic of how micro-influencers attract users.

Partnering with local micro-influencers can be a game-changer in your quest to rank higher on Google Maps and establish yourself as a local authority without breaking the bank on expensive PRs and rates. Here’s how to leverage this unique approach for successful Google Maps optimization:

Micro-Influencers: Cultivating Deep Connections with Your Target Audience for Google Maps Optimization

While national influencers boast millions of followers, their reach often lacks the laser focus you need for local SEO success. Micro-influencers, however, tend to be local individuals with highly engaged followings in your specific niche or community. These influencers have a significant hold over their audience, fostering a level of trust and authenticity that motivates their audience members to entrust their recommendations, which is what makes them a major part of your Google Map SEO strategy. Here’s why partnering with micro-influencers is a winning strategy for Google Maps optimization:

  • Targeted Reach: Micro-influencers cater to a specific audience base – your ideal local customer and demographic. Imagine a food blogger with a dedicated following in your city raving about your restaurant’s signature dish. It’s a direct recommendation in their vicinity, which will obviously mention your business and location by name. And who is their audience? Hungry people looking for some delicious food near them.
  • Enhanced Credibility: Local micro-influencers are often seen as trusted sources within their communities. When they endorse your business, it feels like a genuine recommendation from a friend or neighbor, fostering trust with potential customers and increasing the value of the endorsement for Google Maps optimization. It’s more likely that people will choose their word over a generic, sponsored ad or a celebrity who’s probably never frequented the town or area.

Building Mutually Beneficial Collaborations:

Now that you understand the power of micro-influencers, let’s explore some creative ways to collaborate and achieve your Google Maps optimization goals:

  • Product Reviews and Sponsored Content: Partner with micro-influencers relevant to your industry for product reviews or sponsored content featuring your business on their social media platforms (Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, etc.). Ask them to be as authentic as they can in sharing their experience with your product or service, highlighting aspects that resonate with their local audience, and even being upfront about issues. This not only increases brand awareness but can also lead to a surge in positive reviews and user engagement, positively impacting your Google Maps rank. Critique or feedback can also benefit you by showing your commitment to customer care and the ability to take things in stride.
  • Events and Giveaways: Host a collaborative event with a local micro-influencer, like a makeup workshop using your products or a discount on a service they recommend or through referral codes. This co-creation not only generates excitement and buzz but also allows you to connect directly with their audience and build customers of your own. Happy, satisfied, and engaged new customers leave reviews and feedback, share posts, and link to your business, all of which add to your overall Google Maps optimization

The Power of Genuine Reviews for Google Maps Ranks:

While influencer endorsements are valuable, you also need to generate organic, authentic, unsponsored reviews from satisfied customers. Partner with your local influencers to encourage their followers to leave reviews on your GMB profile. As we mentioned, reviews are crucial elements of Google Maps optimization, and here’s why:

  • Social Proof and Trust: Positive reviews from real customers are social proof, acting as a powerful indicator that certain local businesses are trustworthy and popular. The more positive reviews you have, the higher your Google Maps rank is likely to be since 49% of consumers trust reviews as much as they would recommendations from friends and family.
  • Engagement and Local SEO: Reviews on your GMB profile spark user engagement, another factor considered by Google’s algorithms. Furthermore, reviews often mention keywords relevant to your location and services, strengthening your local SEO efforts and potentially improving your Google Maps rank. You can bring in more engagement through recommendations that we’re discussing here.

By partnering with local micro-influencers and prioritizing genuine customer reviews, you’ll cultivate a loyal local following that fuels your Google Maps optimization journey. Remember, authenticity is at the core of any real progress. This data-driven, multi-faceted approach, coupled with a commitment to building genuine relationships within your community, eventually leads to real, meaningful Google Maps optimization and long-term success.

A graphic depicting the benefits of reviews on your GMB profile.

Speak Up and Rank Up: Optimizing for Voice Search Domination

The way we search is evolving, and voice assistants are taking center stage. To stay ahead of the curve and secure a top Google Maps rank, optimize your presence for voice search. Here’s the key:

  • Target Long-Tail Keywords: People speak differently than they type. Ditch generic keywords and focus on long-tail phrases that mimic natural conversation. Think “best coffee shop with outdoor seating near Central Park” instead of just “coffee shop in New York.” Including your location in these longer keywords allows your business to show up in local searches.

Embrace Natural Language: Ensure that your Google My Business description and website content use natural language people might use when speaking to another person. Optimize for questions like “What are your opening hours today?” in your FAQs, posts, and other places. This not only improves user experience but also strengthens your Google Maps ranking by demonstrating relevance to voice search queries.

A graphic depicting a user searching for information on their phone.

By adapting to the changing search landscape, you can ensure your business is recognized and found more easily through Google Maps optimized search results.

Ready to Make Your Mark on Google Maps?

Make your business more discoverable and increase ranking and visibility on Google Maps with a few effective solutions and services through Search Berg.

Reach out to us for a free audit of your Google Business Profile and expert recommendations on how to improve it!

Partner with Search Berg to Rank Higher on Google Maps—We’ve Got You Covered

Now that we’ve shared strategies that will show you how to rank higher on Google Maps, the ball is in your court. You can invest in our Google Maps optimization services to rise through the ranks and gain greater visibility online, and we’ll create a unique, multi-faceted, impactful strategy that drives results.

Our specialists will design a fully customized approach, optimizing your website and Google Business Profile using the latest tools and solutions.

Get in touch with us to learn more.

It's time for a 180-degree transformation, Search Berg style. Rank higher on Google SERPs, build brand credibility, and drive more revenue by signing up with us today!

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