Penguin was unleashed upon unsuspecting websites in April, 2012.

Version 1.0 was aimed at sites featuring questionable ‘unnatural’ links as well as overly-optimized anchor text. Subsequent roll outs followed, targeting websites with dubious back linking activities. The timeline goes like this:

  • Penguin 1.0 (Penguin #1) – 04/24/2012
  • Penguin 1.1 (Penguin #2) – 05/25/2012
  • Penguin 1.2 (Penguin #3) – 10/05/2012
  • Penguin 2.0 (Penguin #4) – 05/22/2013
  • Penguin 2.1 (Penguin #5) – 10/04/2013
  • Penguin 3.0 (Penguin #6) – 10/17/2014 | Multi-week roll out

If your site has experienced a significant drop in organic search traffic around these dates, chances are that Penguin is to blame.

So What Is Penguin’s Problem?

Simply put, it doesn’t like unnatural and manipulative inbound links. And these are the links that are

  • Coming in from bad quality sites,
  • Stuffed with keywords,
  • Paid for,
  • Linking from irrelevant sites,
  • Linked to pages with overly optimized anchor texts.

What to Expect From Penguin in The Future?

The idea behind the Penguin Algorithm is to reduce spam and enhance the accuracy of search results. And with time it’s getting smarter! So webmasters with dubious linking practices should expect a little turbulence in the future if they haven’t been hit already.

How to Make Your Website Penguin-Proof – Linkbuilding the Right Way!

Links have traditionally been an important ranking factor for pages and websites on the whole. However, now Penguin has mandated us to think about the types and quality of the back links that lead to our sites.

For starters, STOP if you are working on any of the following:

Content Marketing for 2015 – It’s All about Integrity and Purpose!

  • Link schemes
  • Low quality bookmarking websites
  • Free articles/ PR/ blog directories
  • Link exchanges
  • Paid/sponsored links
  • Unnatural links from irrelevant websites
  • Links from duplicate/ spun content
  • Links from banned websites
  • Unnecessary use of exact keywords as anchor text

Next, it is time to re-think your SEO approach. Learn how to build proper links that can withstand another merciless rollout of the Penguin Algorithm. Try getting links that are:

  • Based In Your Niche – Get links from sites that are relevant.
  • Created Using Advanced link building techniques.
  • Legitimate and Justifiable – They should by practicable marketing vehicles.
  • Using Varied Keywords as anchor texts. The text should be natural, and focused on getting a click-through.
  • Focused On Content Marketing Google likes fresh content that is shared and naturally linked.
  • Cited Properly Google likes the help with statistical data and co-citation when it’s ranking sites using off-site factors.

All The Stuffing, Cloaking, Link Schemes, Duplicate Content, Exact-Match Keywords Have Worked! We’ve been hit! …. What Now?

First of all, get rid of any and all questionable links pointing to your site!

Ready to get started? Call  855-444-4777

And that is easier said than done.

A professional can map out a plan of action and use some powerful tools for the link removal process. Ones that can’t be removed will have to be disavowed. You, or this penguin recovery professional, will have to reach out to webmasters, and talk them into removing backlinks with bad anchor texts to your site. For links or domains that simply can’t be disconnected from your website but must be removed from Google’s consideration, the disavow tool comes in handy.

When all this is done, it is time to sit back as Google will re-crawl and re-index your site and this may take several weeks.

Then secondly, invest in good quality content for your website, the sort of content that appeases the Google Gods so they may restore your websites rankings in search engine results.

…And Lastly, Be Patient!

Penguin wasn’t the first one, and it won’t be the last Google update to shake-up the search results. It is a good idea to build your SEO on white-hat practices instead of back-handed tactics to update-proof your website. It may take a while, but in the end your secure position in search engine results will be worth it.

If you have already been hit, be ready to spend a lot of time and effort into rebuilding your lost rankings. Make fresh content your best friend and your newer, improved, more resilient website will thank you for it.

Count On Us For Effective Content Writing Services For Penguin Survival!

Days of badly spun, plagiarized, low-cost SEO articles are gone! Let us contribute to your Penguin Recovery Strategy with effective writing with real value. Our professional writers ensure that your articles, blogs and web content actually add to the readers’ knowledge instead of writing for the sole purpose of publishing content.

This is the age of the newer, smarter SEO. And SearchBerg SEO company is the only weapon you need in your arsenal when fighting the ranking wars!

Contact us at 855- 444-4777 for writing that is highly resourceful!