Content marketing is ever evolving in the sense that new and better forms of content have emerged and in some cases replaced older approaches. Take print media and digital media for example. Before people used to get their news from the local newspaper. Now they get it online, from their tablet. Nothing against print media which is still there in some form. But with this shift, we basically witnessed an example of content evolving to serve the vast interest of the public.

Today, we are seeing another similar paradigm shift where digital media is being replaced by Video media.

Video content has been here for some time, and it has been gradually shaping up into a VERY strong trend. It’s turning into a super content marketing craze.

And for some very impressive reasons.

No Medium Attracts Traffic Faster and Larger than Video

The results are in. Study after study has shown people response more to Video which is why Video content has big admirers across the globe.

Case in point—YouTube— the giant boasts a viewership of 1.5 billion monthly active users.

Our current worldwide population is nearly 7.6 billion.

That means, one out of every five people in the world has a YouTube account and since you don’t actually need an account to view YouTube, imagine how many people actually use it in their daily lives — now that would be a massive number!

And of course, with huge audience, comes huge traffic.

According to the Aberdeen Group, a leading market intelligence firm, companies using videos on their websites generate 41% more web traffic from search engines than those that don’t.

The takeaway: If you want more traffic on your website, start creating videos of your products or services.

Videos Leads To Sales!

Okay, traffic without conversions isn’t really impressive.

But who says videos don’t convert?

Latest data reveals, video users enjoy 27% higher click-through rates and 34% higher web conversion rates, compared to non-users.

Another study reveals adding video to a landing page boosts conversions by as much as 80%.

One case study that makes for a strong case is that of Dropbox.

When Dropbox was first launched, the concept was foreign to most.

Users could not understand what it was about and how it operated.

As a result, the company struggled with conversions.

Later, they decided to add an introductory video to their landing page.

And guess what?

Their conversions instantly increased!

The takeaway: If you want more conversions on your website, start investing in videos

Videos Sell Products and Services

Arguably the strongest point of videos is that they sell a product or service effectively.

It has been found that companies that use video boost revenue 49% faster year-over-year than companies that don’t.

This can be attributed to four factors:

  • Videos communicate marketing messages and product concepts in a clear manner.
  • Consumers trust video content more in comparison to other content pieces
  • It’s easy to retain information about a product when communicated through video, thereby increasing the likelihood of conversions.
  • Consumers consume video content more thoroughly than blogs, articles, whitepapers and e-books.

The takeaway: If you want to increase business revenue, start investing in videos.

This is THE TIME to take advantage of the opportunity

Businesses around the world have already started creating marketing strategies around video content. And they’re very aggressive in their plans.

According to State of Inbound 2018, 45% of marketers are planning to prioritize video next year. More will definitely join them in the future when they see video attracting traffic, boosting conversions and increasing business revenue.

Interested in creating videos for your business website?

Search Berg can help you!

We’re one of the leading content marketing service providers in the United States, specializing in video content creation and video voiceovers. Get in touch with us today to discuss your video marketing needs.